Monday, August 25, 2014

Review Covermark Moisture Veil LX shades MN30 (Review+Eye Make Up Tutorial + FOTD)

Posted by Kania Safitri at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Hello Beauties!

Can you guess what I'm feeling now? Yup I am feeling happy right now! Yeay Alhamdulillah  I've got to share my happiness with you all. Yes.. I'm one of the lucky winners and I received this awesome Covermark Moisture Veil LX Foundation from Kawaii Beauty Japan.
I have never heard of the brand Covermark before... but Covermark has been since the 1932 and it was founded by Lydia O'Leary. I'd like to tell you a little about Covermark history (taken from here).
Lydia O'Leary who had a disfiguring facial birthmark that made it hard for her to get the job she wanted. With her interest in oil painting and chemistry, she manage to develop the original Covermark formulation and helped others with birthmarks too! That being said...Covermark is a well-known brand for covering a sense, it is a brand with really good concealment products ranging
So Let's find out more about it, shall we?
As you all already know, packaging is very important to me. Yeap, I admit, I'm often seduced by GOLD packaging. When I first caught sight of Covermark Moisture LX foundation case quite fine and sturdy . I must say it's love at first sight for me. But this is not travel friendly coz way too big for my bag.
at the back side you can see as a mirror :)
I absolutely love the luxurious packaging. The compact case is classy with good sized mirror and comes in a gorgeous gold box packaging. It has two compartments to house the refill and puff separately with clear plastic separator on top.The sponge is of good quality because of the smooth surface and soft texture. I like this idea, very hygienic and eco-friendly. I can re-use the case forever.
refill box
Alright now, let's move on to foundation. The foundation refill and case are sold separately. The foundation refill comes in a black opaque plastic case, packaged in a GOLD box packaging. The foundation dish can be removed from it's plastic case and inserted into the compact case and it contains 8g. 

Covermark Moisture Veil LX Foundation has SPF32 PA+++ and comes in 9 shades. Don't worry, you can see the below table advise to help you find the perfect foundation shade that match your skin tone (taken from here).
I use MN30 and it suits my skin tone perfectly. The foundation brightens up my skin tone, long-lasting and does not oxidize at the end of the day. It provides medium to full coverage. It covers my large pores across my face (cheeks and nose) and uneven skin tone.
Make up for this time I really do not use foundation. I just use a moisturizer and a base primer, because this time I make up to go to an event so I just wanna make sure my make up so good with it. Covermark Moisture Veil LX Foundation has velvety, soft, creamy-powdery texture that blends well into the skin without looking cakey. As you all already know, I have a special nose, super sensitive to any smells. This foundation does not make me sneeze, teary or breakout at all. This formulation melts into the skin and covers skin trouble's instantly.
Tutorial eye-make up
Here's the tutorial so you can create this eye make up look:
1. I used NYX eyeshadow base all over my lid using my finger.
2. Used yellow eyeshadow by PAC in to the inner eyelid.
3. I used the brrown eyeshadow by PAC apply in the middle of eyelid to the outer eyelid.
4. Used the black eyeshadow or darkest shade in Revlon eyeshadow  apply in the outer "V" sweeping into the crease.
5. I applied silver or bright eyeshadow on to the brow bone
6. I used black liquid black eyeliner Revlon Colorstay
7. I used up my black eyeliner with NYX Crystal Gold Liquid liner
8. I lined my water line with Revlon Grow Luscious Black pencil eyeliner and smudge out using the darkest shade. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with the lightest shade in Revlon Eyeshadow.
9. I applied Lavie lash Blubell

After a few hours of use rather more than 6 hours, my make up still I look neat and fresh, just looks more healthy natural glowing. The special thing about this foundation is that it would appear more beautiful on your skin as time goes by. Some foundation would leave your skin with a grayish tint or would fade away by the time you end work due to your skin producing sebum through the day... but Moisture Veil LX has a new technology that changed sebum to a shining multi-layer powder and it gives natural glow. The price are expensive for me, refill $ 59 case $ 25.

My skin loves Covermark Moisture Veil LX Foundation and I will definitely continue using it.
 Why I love this:
  • It gives full coverage
  • Lightweight
  • Blends on skin
  • Looks natural
  • Long Lasting and It gives that natural glow. 
  • Expensive
  • Limited shops to buy (in Singapore, only at Takashimaya)
  • A bit powdery when brush is used to pick up product. 
This is really my honest opinion after using the product. I do not promote these products because I get this prize from Kawaii Beauty Japan for free. This is perfect for ladies who doesn't have much time to prepare but wants to look good and cover blemishes. Have you ever tried this? So let me know and share your comment about this product , Thank you.. 


Singapore store
Address:Cosmetics department, Level 1, Takashimaya Department Store 391 Orchard Road Singapore 288873
Check out their website for more information:
Like their FaceBook page for latest updates:
Have a wonderful weekend :) 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The 1st Winner Make Up Chalenge July 2014

Posted by Kania Safitri at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Hello beauties...

Sebenarnya ini sudah dari awal Agustus mau nulis mengenai hasil MUC July 2014. Yuhu.. Alhamdullillah pada kesempatan dimana aku pertama kali ikutan Make Up Chalenge di Indonesian Beauty Blogger aku langsung bisa menangin juara pertama.

wah... pokonya gak nyangka banget deh... bisa masuk nominasi aja aku udah seneng ditambah lagi aku bisa  menjadi pemenang dan pastinya merasakan hadiah dari The Face Shop lah yah...

Untuk semua yang sudah bantu voted aku makasiy banyak yah... semoga kebaikan kalian dibalas dengan kebaikan pula :) hehe... gak lupa thank you so much untuk Indonesian Beauty Blogger dan The Face Shop.

Review produk hadiah yang aku dapatkan akan segera yah.. jangan lupa follow Blog aku, Instagram, Facebook yang ada di side bar blog aku ini yah... terima kasih and have a nice day guys..

Friday, August 22, 2014

Smiley Bag Giveaway by Verenlee

Posted by Kania Safitri at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Hi Guys...

Now Im joining a giveaway by Verenlee. I.d like to win this bag because since I'm not working (this decision when my baby was born and I promise to give her the best "nursing") Inever buy the new bag :( and when I saw Verenlee giveaway I really love the design and color of this bag very fashionable and black color is my favorite because neutral and will match with another color outfit, I imagine if I use the bag I could be a mother who looks younger and stylist :). Wish me luck...

Ok, guys.. have a nice day :)

if you want to join this giveaway you can visit and follow her IG : @verenlicious and her Blog :

Everyday with Simply Stay by Mustika Ratu ( Review & Swatches )

Posted by Kania Safitri at 6:16 AM 2 comments
Hello Beauties...

Kamu pasti sudah tau kan brand Mustika Ratu? Tentu saja brand Mustika Ratu sudah sangat familiar yaitu produk lokal asli buatan Indonesia. Kali ini aku mau memperkenalkan rangkaian produk dari Mustika Ratu yaitu "Simply Stay" yang aku dapatkan dari project B Blog
berpartisipasi dalam "Everyday with Simple Stay" Blogging Competition [2]
MUSTIKA RATU adalah brand penghasil kosmetik Indonesia mengikuti trend make up masa kini dan dalam rangkaian terbarunya menciptakan MUSTIKA RATU SIMPLY STAY Make Up yang ditujukan untuk wanita yang aktif, simple dan selalu ingin tampil cantik setiap saat.  Formula dan kandungan bahan alaminya aman digunakan dan disesuaikan untuk wanita Indonesia dan MAMPU MEMPERTAHANKAN RIASAN SELAMA 8 JAM. Rangkaian Simply Stay Make Up mengutamakan Soft yaitu kelembutan, Moist yaitu kelembaban serta Long Last yaitu tahan lama. 
Kemasan box tampak depan, rangkaian produk Mustika Ratu Simply Stay Soft|Moist|Long Last. dengan cover Puteri Indonesia 2014 Elvira Devinamira.

Rangkaian tata rias dasar yang sangat pas digunakan oleh wanita yang aktif, praktis dan selalu ingin tampil cantik, sehingga dapat berpenampilan Younger, formula yang disesuaikan dengan warna dan jenis kulit wanita Indonesia, dan tahan lama sehingga mampu membuat wanita tampil simply pretty everyday. Rangkaian basic make up yang tersedia pada produk Simply Stay Soft, Moist dan Long Lasting terdiri dari Moisturizer Liquid Foundation, Stick Foundation, Loose Powder & Two Way Cake disesuaikan berdasarkan warna kulit orang Indonesia

Kemasan box tampak belakang, dengan penjelasan singkat dari masing-masing produk serta keunggulannya.

Basic Make Up yang diformulasikan khusus untuk wanita Indonesia yang tinggal di daerah tropis. Rangkaian produk ini memiliki keunggulan yaitu: 
1. Curcuma Heyneana Root Extract sebagai natural skin conditioning, memberikan kelembaban, menghaluskan kulit serta mencerahkan kulit 
2. Tocopheryl Acetat (Vitamin E) merupakan anti oksidan alami, antioksidan kuat untuk melindungi dari kerusakan oleh radikal oksigen reaktif & sinar UV.
3. Octyl Methoxycinnamate sebagai UV filter alami untuk melindungi wajah dari paparan sinar matahari (UV B).
4. Bertekstur lembut sehingga mudah menyerap ke dalam kulit.
5. Mudah diaplikasikan.
6. Tahan lama/Long lasting.
7. Bersertifikasi halal.

Kemasan box nampak samping pada gambar atas menjelaskan package contain dan shades, gambar bawah menjelaskan perusahaan produksi, awards super brands 2014 contact service dan kemasan reusable.

Rangkaian "Simply Stay" yang aku terima ini komplit banget dalam satu box dapat mewakili masing-masing dari berbagai macam jenis dan warna yaitu Moisturizer, Liquid Foundation, Stick foundation dan Two way cake, semua ini akan aku review satu persatu dengan swacthes masing-masing shades serta hasil pengaplikasian make up menggunakan produk Simply Stay.
Tara...  betapa lengkap produk dan warna dalam box rangkaian produk Simply stay.
Moisturizer adalah pelembab alami kulit yang mampu mengembalikan protein keratin. Protein keratin dibutuhkan agar kulit tetap lembab, halus dan sehat. Pada saat kulit kering, kelembaban alami menjadi berkurang dan nilai Ph menjadi rendah karena kekurangan protein keratin. Memakai moisturizer membantu  dalam menaikkan nilai Ph pada kulit dan meningkatkan produksi keratin.

Rangkaian ini mengutamakan menjaga kelembutan dan kelembaban pada lapisan kulit. Selain itu, moisturizer ini juga menutrisi kulit wajah. Manfaat lain dari menggunakan moisturizer ini juga memberikan efek cerah serta hasil make up yang tahan lama.
Nah, itulah mengapa penting untuk menggunakan pelembab wajah. Karena pelembab wajah memiliki banyak manfaat untuk menjaga kecantikan alami wajah dan yang terpenting pilihlah moisturizer sesuai dengan jenis kulit.

Makanya moisturizer dalam rangkaian Simply Stay ini bisa disesuaikan berdasarkan jenis kulit wanita Indonesia yaitu untuk kulit normal to oily skin dan kulit normal to dry skin. Aku menggunakan moisturizer dengan jenis kulit normal to oily skin karena jenis kulit aku yang cenderung berminyak apalagi pada area T-zone.

Tekstur dari moisturizer ini yaitu lotion lembut yang bewarna putih dan cepat meresap ke kulit. Wanginya juga lembut aku suka... seperti wangian parfumed bayi :). Setelah aku menggunakannya kulit terasa lebih lembab, kenyal dan halus karena moisturizer ini mengandung skin conditioning, vitamin E dan sun protection. 

Cara menggunakannya dengan mengaplikasikan Simply Stay Moisturizer ke seluruh bagian wajah. Tunggu dua sampai tiga menit sampai benar-benar meresap ke  kulit agar dapat bertahan dengan baik. Foto hasil pemakaian menggunakan moisturizer tidak berbeda dengan sebelum menggunakannya sehingga tidak aku tampilkan.
Harga Moisturizer : Rp. 15.000,- 

Liquid Foundation
Foundation adalah salah satu perlengkapan dasar make-up. Fungsi foundation adalah untuk menyamarkan atau menutupi bagian wajah yang kurang sempurna, seperti bekas jerawat, kulit yang kurang halus, atau warna kulit yang tidak rata/sama. Pengaplikasian foundation yang kurang tepat dapat menyebabkan tampilan kita bukannya bertambah cantik, tapi semakin kacau bahkan kadang terlihat seperti memakai topeng.

Liquid foundation terdiri atas dua jenis: berbahan dasar air, dan berbahan dasar minyak. Foundation berbahan dasar air cocok untuk kulit berminyak dan sensitif. Sementara yang berbahan dasar minyak cocok untuk kulit kering atau yang mengalami dehidrasi, namun dalam rangkaian Mustika Ratu Simply Stay ini memiliki keunggulan karena dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit serta dilengkapi skin conditioning plus vitamin E yang berfungsi sebagai anti oksidan.
Mustika Ratu Simply Stay memiliki 4 shades yaitu Pearly White, Smoothie Yelow, Caramel Latte dan Sweet Choco. Aku sendiri memilih shades Smoothie Yellow karena kulit aku agak bewarna kekuningan aku memilih warna foundation liquid ini yang agak terang supaya kulit aku terlihat lebih segar dan cerah walaupun hanya menggunakan foundation :). Tekstur dari liquid foundation ini lembut dan ringan sehingga sangat mudah di blend dan setelah beberapa jam hasilnya tidak cakey. Wanginya juga lembut. Daya cover liquid foundation ini low to medium sehingga tidak terlalu tebal dan ketika dipakai diwajah aku pada area bintik kemerahan masih nampak sedikit sehingga aku masih perlu menutup dengan stick foundation. Jika kamu ingin terlihat sangat natural dalam memakai foundation kamu bisa pakai ini karena mudah untuk dipakai dan nyaman seperti ‘kulit kedua’. 
Cara menggunakannya dengan  oleskan Simply Stay Liquid Foundation ke bagian tengah wajah (sekitar hidung, dagu, dan di atas alis) dengan meggunakan jari, lalu ulaskan kearah luar sehingga pigmen warnanya membaur sempurna dengan kulit
Harga liquid foundation: Rp. 20.000,-
Stick Foundation
Stick Foundation ini cocok juga digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit. Selain awet di wajah, alas bedak stick dapat juga digunakan sebagai penutup noda hitam pada wajah dan flek bekas jerawat.

Suka... banged sama shades yang dimiliki Mustika Ratu Simply Stay dari warna untuk kulit terang sampai warna yang paling gelap ada semua dan stick foundation ini juga ternyata mudah banget ngeblend warnanya loh.. Tekstur stick foundation ini lembut dan mengandung banyak pelembab. Sangat pas untuk kamu yang memiliki kerutan-kerutan halus karena tekstur krimnya mudah merata dan memberikan tampilan sempurna. Wanginya juga lembut hampir tidak tercium. Daya covernya lebih dapat menutupi kekurangan serta stick foundation ini aku gunakan sebagai countuoring dan highligth atau shading agar muka aku lebih berdimensi hehehe... (ala Kim Kadarsian wkwkwk)
Cara menggunakan untuk Shading Pipi dan Rahang
1.Aplikasikan Simply Stay Stick Foundation warna gelap pada garis tulang pipi, rahang, pelipis dan garis batas rambut bagian atas dan baurkan dengan jari (menggunakan simply stick foundation warna gelap 04).
2.Berikan highlight pada bagian bawah mata, dahi, bibir dan dagu (menggunakan Smply stick foundation warna terang 01).

Cara menggunakan untuk Shading Hidung
1.  Tarik garis lurus dari titik pertumbuhan alis ke cuping tengah hidung (menggunakan simply stick foundation warna gelap 04).
2.lalu berikan highlight ditengah hidung (menggunakan Smply stick foundation warna terang 01).
Ulangi pengolesan pada bagian bernoda untuk penutupan lebih sempurna.
Harga Stick foundation: Rp. 50.000,- 

Two Way Cake
Two way cake Mustika Ratu Simply Stay ini bentuknya berupa bedak padat yang lembut dan dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit. Bila dipakai dengan spons basah, akan tampak seperti memakai alas bedak cair atau krim. Bila dipakai dengan spons kering, hasilnya seperti memakai bedak padat.
Tekstur bedak padat ini sangat halus dan lembut. Memikiki 4 warna sesuai warna kulit Wanita Indonesia, aku menggunakan shades No. 02 yang hasillnya menyatu dengan warna kulit aku. Wanginya juga sangat lembut jadi mash nyaman untuk dipakai tidak terlalu menyengat wanginya. Coveragenya dapat menutupi garis halus & cela kecil serta memberikan efek makeup tahan lama. Sehingga menyempurnakan basic make up Mustika Ratu Simply Stay yang lembut, merata, segar, lembab, bercahaya & tahan lama. 

Cara pakai: Usapkan secara merata dengan puff pada wajah dan leher dengan ditekan-tekan. Jika kamu ingin hasilnya soft hindari menggunakan spons cukup menggunakan kuas wajah yang besar dengan diulaskan pada permukaan wajah dan leher.
Harga Two way cake: Rp. 75.000,- 
Langkah-langkah menggunakan rangkaian produk Simply Stay dari Mustika Ratu
Setelah menggunakan rangkaian produk Simply Stay dari Mustika ratu menurut aku jadilah basic make up yang flawless dan natural. Untuk penampilan ini bisa disebut "no make up" make up basic make up ini hanya memerlukan membentuk atau merapihkan alis serta menggunakan lip gloss atau lipstick warna natural.

Sedangkan untuk wanita bekerja yang memiliki acara setelah pulang jam kantor serta memerlukan full make up, basic make up ini juga tahan lama sehingga hanya perlu menambahkan eyeshadow dan eyeliner untuk memperjelas bentuk mata serta bulu mata palsu untuk terlihat lebih cetar, tambahkan blush on serta menambahkan warna lipstick yang menjadi andalan bisa menggunakan warna nude atau warna merah yang akan semakin menyegarkan penampilan.
Daily Look
Night Look with Nude Lipstick
Nigth Look with Red Lipstick.
Gimana hasil make up aku? Bangga donk memakai produk Indonesia yang juga punya kualitas Kosmetik yang sangat berkualitas bagus dengan harga yang terjangkau serta mudah kamu dapatkan di toko-toko kosmetik di Indonesia jadi tidak kalah dengan brand luar negri yang harganya dapat menguras isi kantong :). Semahal apapun make up yang kamu beli, paling penting adalah mempunyai kulit wajah yang bersih dan sehat.
Bergaya mengikuti ala model Mustika Ratu Simply Stay (maafkan hehe pasti dibilang gak mirip ya...)

Ok, sekian review cantik dari rangkaian Mustika Ratu Simply Stay. Semoga dengan membaca blog aku hari-hari kamu bisa selalu cantik dengan rangkaian Simply Stay yang akan tetap menjaga kelembutan, kelembaban kulit serta hasil make up yang tahan lama dengan harga yang terjangkau.  Bagaimana menurut kalian beauties adakah yang sudah merasakan manfaat dari seluruh rangkaian produk ini? Feel free to comment :)
Acara ini diorganisir oleh B Blog Indonesia Dan Disponsori oleh Mustika Ratu

Kamu juga dapat mengetahui seputar produk dan informasi terbaru dari Mustika Ratu:
Like Page Mustika Ratu dan follow twitter Mustika Ratu

Monday, August 4, 2014

Event Report & Review: Citra Japanese Wakame & Citra Pink Orchid

Posted by Kania Safitri at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Hello Beauties....

Actually it's very late event report well... I was invited by Female Daily to attend an event held by Citra for their newest launching product which are Citra Wakame and Citra Pink Orchid. The event was held in the 6th floor of Morrissey Hotel on June, 24 2014 starts 19.00 pm until 20.30 pm. I am glad to meet with so many beauty bloggers and Female Daily members . The event went amazing!

The event begins at 19:00 pm, starting with the registration and then we had dinner together. As I've mentioned before, the products being launched was Citra Wakame and Citra Pink Orchid. At the beginning of the event, the MC for the event is the ever-so-pretty-and-bubbly Amy Zein. We were greeted by Ms. Hilda Kitty as the Senior Brand Manager of Citra, Ms. Vivi Tri Andari as the Technical Management Manager for Unilever Indonesia, and Ms. Pamela Anastasia as the Brand Manager of Citra Face. 

Citra as a brand (very well known for their body care products in Indonesia) views this to be very suitable for Indonesia women's needs. But, there are actually so much of whitening body lotion out there in the market. The event started with the explanation and stories behind Citra Wakame which uses Wakame, a certain kind of seaweed from Japan, which is believed to be rich in whitening nutrients. what makes Citra Wakame different than another lotion?

Ms. Hilda Kitty explains that Citra Wakame actually have a very unique formulation, because it has two formulas; Citra Japanese Wakame Hand & Body Gel Lotion and Citra Japanese Wakame Hand and Body Gel Serum. It is water-based, so it an be absorbed by our skins really quickly, leaving no sticky residue on our skin after application. 

There are more women on the working force now compared to 2005, which means more women have an active lifestyle. To answer the active women's lifestyle, Citra has launched Citra Wakame for these active women who don't have time to sit around waiting for their body lotion to dry, while still being able to nourish their skin with nutrients.
Wakame is a special seaweed found in Japanese sea that is enriched in vital nutritions like mineral, etc. The Benefit of Wakame Based on Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine are ANTIOXIDANT effectively protects the skin from harmful free radicals in the body (prevents skin from ageing), HYALURONIC ACID combined with collagen in skin maintains the elasticity of the skin and promotes smoother, younger looking skin, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROPERTIES prevents and reduces inflammation in the skinsurfaces. 

The ingredients Citra Japanese Wakame are Water, Gycerin, Niacinamide, Undaria, Pinnatifida Extract, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Cyclotetrasiloxane, Perfume, Methylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Disodium Edta, Acrylates/C10-30, Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Sodium Hydroxide, Cl 19140, Cl 42090.

There was a live demonstration of how non-sticky and fast-absorbing Citra Wakame is. The demonstration was done in front of the audience, the participant were given the usual oil-based body lotion on one hand, and Citra Wakame on the other. The participant dipped her hand into a bowl of sand. The hand with oil-based lotion catches more sand than the Citra Wakame, which indicates more stickiness. The Citra Wakame side actually can be easily cleaned just by a little bit of a shake, while the oil-based side needs a little bit more work. All of us attending the event actually did the same thing, and I have to say, the Citra Wakame is indeed fast-absorbing.
The goodie bag very useful and I love it :)

Citra Japanese Wakame Hand & body gel lotion that I got 2 size, 240ml and 120ml. I must say that packaging is quite fine, sturdy and the cap is easily tightened. But this is not travel friendly coz way too big for my bag.   Citra Japanese Wakame Hand & body gel serum   that I got has 1 size, 180ml with tube packaging. I really like the packaging although somewhat it isn't travel friendly.  This lotion texture is thicker than the serum, but both of them very quickly to be absorbed. It doesn't take too long for the lotion completely absorbed into the skin. Actually me myself don't like using lotion because its stickiness and uncomfortable feeling on the skin. But I suggest using a water-based lotion like these one when you really need to moisturize the skin but don't like the effect of sticky lotion. For the fragrance, this lotion has quite strong floral scent. The price is offered very affordable. Citra Japanese Wakame Hand and Body Lotion 120 ml= Rp 13.400,-; Citra Japanese Wakame Hand and Body Gel Serum 180ml = Rp. 28.750,-

Citra Japanese Wakame Hand & body gel serum
I highly recommend these products for you who don't like lotion because of the stickiness because these lotion and serum are immediately absorbed and not sticky on the skin.  After 1 month of the duration of the event I have to use the products. Overal I really like this hand & body gel. it dry faster than other hand & body lotion and not sticky after application, suitable for summer and for you who too lazy to use body lotion because it’s sticky feels

Another launched of the night is the Citra Pink Orchid! Ms. Pamela Anastasia explains that lately, the concept of beauty have changed in Indonesia. A pale, striking-white complexion is no longer desirable, shifted into pinkish-white complexion which usually comes from good nutrition.

Citra develops this Citra Pink Orchid with the essence of Pink Orchid inspired by Korean Women's heritage that uses pink orchid as part of their skin care. Pink orchid is well known for blocking the formation of melanine, hence giving a whitening effect on the skin. Also, pink orchid is enriched with beneficial minerals such as zinc, magnesium and copper, so you'll have not only a fairer skin, but also that natural flush from within.

The Citra Pink Orchid series is available in the form of Citra Pink Orchid Face Wash and Citra Pink Orchid UV Facial Moisturizer. The face wash can helps you to clean your face from dirts, dead skin cells, and enhancing the nutrition absorption for the moisturizer. 

The Citra Pink Orchid Face wash it has tube packaging and the color is the same with Citra Korean Pink Orchid Facial moisturizer. The texture of this facial foam is really creamy and thick. It has no scrub it doesn’t make much foam It’s really soft and has a flowery scent that I love I already used this facial foam for more than 2 weeks and I love it After I wash my face it feels really clean & not make my skin too dry.

The Citra Pink Orchid moisturizer also comes in quite a unique formulation which is a powder-finish cream that leaves a matte skin after usage. The pakacging is in jar is made from glass and kinda heavy like other citra moisturizer. The texture of Citra Korean Pink Orchid Facial moisturizer is creamy and thick. This scent is flowers orchid and I love it. You can use this moisturizer alone and skip powder, because it can mattifies your skin, which is awesome!

The price is offered very affordable. Face wash 100g = Rp 21.000,-; UV Facial Moisturuzer= Rp 30.700,-

And that's it! The event was indeed lovely, I had so much fun learning about the new products and stories behind it, I can't wait to try them on!
Selfie with Dewi Yang :) while I'm nursed my baby Safa.
Thank you Citra Indonesia and Female Daily for inviting me. Thank you Dewi who gave me all credit photo and accompany me :) And I hope you guys enjoy this event report and reviews as well. Let me know if you have any question.

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